
利用GTalk上twitter, 哈哈,感觉用起来有点Linux的感觉,都靠命令行,现在介绍下用法:

1 登录http://tweetswitch.com,点击sign in(须翻墙)进入twitter的官网进行认证,

2 按照提示加入你的Gtalk账号就好了

3 进入GTalk接受请求

4 可以开始使用了,对刚才加你的机器人发送指令,就可以了。比如输入“list” 可以获取最近的20条tweet。


To tweet, type “t” followed by your message.
To send a DM, type “d @[insert name]“ followed by your message.
To list the last 20 tweets received, type “list” or just “l”.
To list the last direct messages received, type “ld” or “ldm”.
To list your last mentions, type “lmen” or “lm”.
To pause TweetSwitch, type “pause” or “stop”.
To resume TweetSwitch, type “resume” or “start”
To check the owner of the account, type “whoami” or “w” for short
To retweet, type “t RT” and paste the message you wish to retweet.